Racing Turbo (RT) Stock Cars
(click on a photo for additional information)
For a complete list of RT cars please go to the RT Formula/Indy car page
There were a lot of RT cars released including variations of the same car with the same stock #. This is just the beginning, additional car photos will be added when available. Please let me know of any errors you find. Getting these correct (especially wheel color) is difficult.

AFX stock # 8700. Color: Red/Gold/Blue/White. Car #6. Wheels: Grey. Also released in Australia (#8707/8976) and England (#8689). Photo ©2015 MSWaterlogged.

AFX stock # F8784. Color: Red/Gold/Blue/White. Car # 6. Wheels: Black. Lighted Version. Also Australia F8976/F9676. Catalog: 1996, 1996/97, 2008. Photo ©2016 MSWaterlogged.

AFX stock # 8752. Color: Red/White/Blue. Car #7. Wheels: White. (With Champion decals on hood) Catalog: 1987, 2000, 2000b. Photo courtesy of RJ Keenan.

AFX stock # 8752. Color: Red/White/Blue. Car #7. Wheels: White. (Without Champion decals on hood). Catalog: 1986. Photo ©2018 MSWaterlogged.

AFX stock # F9677. Color: Blue/White/Gold stripe. Car # 7. Wheels: Gold. Released in Australia as a single and part of Fireball Challenge set (#5552). Lighted. Photo courtesy of Doug Passell.

Tomy stock # 8766. Color: Light Blue/Gold/Black. (I think the photo color is off) Car #8. Wheels: White. Catalog: 1986. Photo courtesy of RJ Keenan.

Tomy stock # 8766/ 0012. Color: Light Blue/Gold/Black. Car #8. Wheels: White. Catalog: 1986. Japanese Yellow box car as well.

AFX stock # 9869 . Color: Yellow/White/Blue . Car # 8. Wheels: White. Photo ©2015 MSWaterlogged.

AFX stock # 8753. Color: Red/White/Yellow. Car #9. Wheels: White. With Bill Elliot signature on roof. Catalog: 1994. Photo courtesy of RJ Keenan.

AFX stock #8753. Color: Red/White/Blue. Car #9. Wheels: White. Without Bill Elliot signature on roof. Catalog: 1986, 1987, 1989, 1991,1993. Photo courtesy of Dave Armstrong.

AFX stock # 8706/8806. Color: White/Red/Blue. Car # 9. Wheels: White. Also released in Australia (#8706). Photo ©2015 MSWaterlogged.

AFX stock # 9120. Color: Red/White. Car #11. Wheels: Black. Also released in Canada (#98011) and England (#8637). Photo ©2018 MSWaterlogged.

AFX stock #F9723. Part of Big D Stocker Challenge (#9950). Australia. Photo ©2016 MSWaterlogged.

AFX stock# 8707. Color: White/Orange/Red. Car# 21. Wheels: Black. Photo ©2021 MSWaterlogged.

AFX stock # 9121. Color: Blue with dark blue stripe. Car #22. Wheels: Black. Sterling Martin Signature on roof. Also came as a lighted version. Photo ©2018 MSWaterlogged.

AFX stock # 9934. Released in 1997. Color: Black/Yellow. Car #23. Catalog: 1997, 1998, 2000, 2000b, 2005. Photo ©2021 MSWaterlogged.

AFX stock # 9501. Color: Blue/Yellow/Brown/Red. Car #42. Wheels: Orange. Photo ©2016 MSWaterlogged.

AFX stock # 9870. Color:Orange/ Black. Car #55. Wheels: Black. Photo ©2015 Mswaterlogged.

AFX stock # F9724. Color: Purple/White. Car # 62. Wheels: Black. Part of Big D Stocker Challenge Race Set (#9950). Possibly released as a single car in Australia. Photo courtesy of RJ Keenan.

AFX stock # 9873. Color: Blue/White. Car #95. Wheels: Black. Photo ©2015 MSWaterlogged.